We edit the song or songs you want (All Music Companies of the world) and convert it into 32 times, making it suitable for fitness. We also change the BPM to the one desired by the client. The price of the Edition is for 1 song. If you need to edit more than 1 song, please fill out this form again for each song you need to edit and write the name on the list below. Finally, don't forget to upload the song file (WAV or MP3) and tell us the desired BPM. Attention: This service is for music editing only. Our company will not use the song sent by the client in absolutely anything. The responsibility for paying royalties and licensing to the song rights owner rests with the customer who sends us the song for editing.

$9.99 $30-66.7%

Write The Name of The Song : *
Name of the Artist:
Write required BPM: *
Upload Song (WAV or MP3): *